If you have an immediate concern regarding the safety of a child and feel that a child is at risk of significant harm or danger please contact the police.
You can also contact Suffolk County Council or 0800 9171109 who will be able to offer further advice and guidance.
For Cambridgeshire schools contact Cambridge County Council Telephone: 0345 045 5203 (office hours), 01733 234 724 (out of hours) or via their website safeguarding information page
Safeguarding Statement
The Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi Academy Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people within its family of schools. The Trust is clear that safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone. This means that every adult who comes into contact with children and their families is expected to play their full part in safeguarding.
A robust Trust wide culture of safeguarding is underpinned by the provision of inclusive, positive and secure environments. In line with our Trust vision, we cherish everyone for who they are as the embodiment of God’s love. Our approach to safeguarding is child-centred, listening to children and young people and considering at all times, what is in their best interests. We ensure this is the case through rigorous training, procedures and support systems. All schools staff and volunteers know, understand and are able to implement the procedures that are followed should they have any safeguarding concerns about a pupil.
The Trust Board fulfil their statutory and moral responsibilities by ensuring they are adequately informed about safeguarding matters. They provide strategic challenge to schools, assuring themselves that safeguarding policies and procedures in place are effective and also support each school, in ensuring safeguarding has a consistent and visible presence, in the following ways:
- The Trust Board has ultimate responsibility for Safeguarding issues. Operationally, this responsibility is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer as Trust Safeguarding lead to lead on policy issues in relation to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk across the Trust.
- The Trust Board is committed to ensuring full compliance with its safeguarding and child protection duties under statutory legislation including obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998 21, the Equality Act 201022, (including the Public Sector Equality Duty23), and their local multi-agency safeguarding arrangements
- Joanna McCall is currently the Board lead with responsibility for Safeguarding. The named Board lead maintains oversight of Trust wide safeguarding activity, including actions of the Teaching, Learning and Standards Committee which reports to the Board on child protection and safeguarding.
- Each school in the Trust has its own local Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy that details their school specific arrangements. All individual school policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding and child protection are up to date and compliant with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024. They are accessible to all staff, volunteers and parents through the Trust and individual school websites. Policies and procedures are reviewed and revised by the Trust Board and individual school Local Governing bodies at least annually.
- Although Board members have ultimate responsibility for safeguarding, within each school across the Trust there are Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) who lead on Child Protection and Safeguarding issues within their relevant setting. They are clear about their role, have sufficient time and receive relevant support, and training, to undertake their roles, which includes close contact with outside agencies including social services, the relevant Local Safeguarding Children's Board and health care organisations.
- Trust Directors, local governing body members and all staff access relevant and regularly updated training to ensure everyone has the knowledge and skills required to carry out their roles and responsibilities.
- All school DSLs are supported in carrying out their roles by regular professional development and training including attendance at termly Trust DSL Forum network meeting.
- Each school has a named governor on its Local Governing Body with special responsibility for safeguarding and who has received training for this role. All LGB agendas have safeguarding as a standing agenda item at all meetings.
- The Trust is committed to creating a culture of safe recruitment and actively, adopts recruitment procedures that help deter, reject or identify people who might present a risk to children and young people. Any decisions about the suitability of prospective members of staff is based on rigorous checking of applications and other safeguarding checks together with references and interview information. At least one member of all interview panels will have undertaken recognised and recent safer recruitment in education training.
- The Trust meets all statutory requirements in relation to Disclosure and Barring Service checks. All staff and volunteers are required to undergo an enhanced DBS check prior to employment or engagement.
- The Trust ensures all schools undertake external and internal safeguarding reviews and audits on a planned annual basis that scrutinise policies and procedures and take action where identified in response to outcomes.
- The Trust implements consistent systems for reporting, monitoring and reviewing safeguarding and child protection at local school and Board level
Reporting Concerns
If you are concerned about the welfare of a pupil at any of our schools contact the relevant Designated Safeguarding Lead in each school:
- St Alban's Catholic High School safeguarding information
- St Alban's Catholic Primary School safeguarding information
- St Felix Catholic Primary School safeguarding information
- St Laurence Catholic Primary School safeguarding information
- St Louis Catholic Academy safeguarding information
- St Mary's Catholic Primary School safeguarding information
- St Pancras Catholic Primary School safeguarding information